Monday, December 1, 2008

The Little Dance In My Belly

As you may already know, my first few months have been trying. But now that I'm approaching my 6th month, I can honestly say pregnancy is not half as bad as I had originally thought. I would even say that I'm enjoying it.

For the last month, I've been feeling an occasional "flutter" in my belly. I wasn't always sure if that was J.P. or if I just had gas. In the last week, I am certain that I am feeling J.P. and it is the neatest feeling to know that my little one is in there.

I have always felt these flutters from inside my belly, and not from the outside. This past Friday, while Jasper and I were watching t.v., I put my hand over my belly and actually felt J.P. kick. I told Jasper to put his hand over it, but I guess J.P. was shy because we couldn't feel him anymore.

Sunday morning, as Jasper rolled over to wish me and J.P. good morning, J.P. decided to respond and Jasper was finally able to feel him move inside of me. I thought it was a kick, and Jasper describes it more as if he was moving his hand or foot across. It was so exciting!

I think about J.P. a lot, and once I start to forget I am pregnant he gives me a little kick, dance, or punch to let me know he's still around. It always gives me a smile, and I know I'm not alone.