Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You Were Right if You Said It's a...

Jasper and I had our ultrasound appointment and saw the most beautiful baby hanging out in my belly! The ultrasound was displayed on a t.v. monitor on the wall so Jasper and I could comfortably see what the tech was looking for. Right away the tech asked us if we wanted to know the gender and he gave us a definite answer. He said to put money on it, his name on it, Nicolas, bet the house, double down because he was certain of what we are having! Then he showed us the evidence. He even warned me that my girlfriends will try to tell me not to be too certain and that I am not to listen to them.

Here's a video of our ultrasound visit:

Thanks for following our blog and come back for more as I plan to update regularly!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Old Wives Tales Tested.

"You're having a boy! I can just tell!" "I just know you're having a girl!" I have heard these comments during my pregnancy. And I love the different reasonings behind their prediction every time. Here are some Old Wives Tales that family and friends have used to support their theories:

-You're carrying low.
-Your baby moves a lot.
-Your husband is 1 of 3 brothers and you're one of 2 girls--boys win.
-Your husband is a manly man.
-You have bad morning sickness.
-You're ankles look swollen (ouch! they do?)
-I'm Grandma. I just know.

-You're carrying high
-You're baby moves a lot.
-You have really bad morning sickness.
-I see it in your face.
-Your breasts got huge fast.

Here are several recent pics of me. I would like to invite you to study them and tell me whether I will be having a baby girl or boy. Please feel free to add a comment to this post with your prediction and how exactly you arrived at that conclusion or guess. Also, participate in my poll on the left side of this blog, on what you believe my baby is.

Here is my close up.

This photo was take at approximately 13 weeks. Am I carrying high? low? wide?....

What can you tell from this photo?
Here I am at approximately 17 weeks. What do my ankles tell you? My belly? etc.

I am very interested in finding out what you believe I will be having and why you believe you can say with some certainty. I hope you have fun and I will keep all of you posted as to the results of the polling and our visit with the doctor. Feel free to also share this post with your friends and family. Have fun.