Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dedication to Dad (Happy Father's Day)

There's something special about dads that everyone really needs growing up. It is a great blessing my sister and I have a strong, loyal and loving father in our lives. He provided for our family and made sure that his girls were safe and taken care of, even if that meant we could take his brand new SUV because it was more reliable than driving an older, used car (he couldn't stand the idea of our cars breaking down.) There was little he wouldn't do for us. He played with us and cooked for us our favorite meals. My sister and I are definitely spoiled. But I recognize his many sacrifices and I am forever thankful for him. He is a great example of one who acts selflessly.

I can't forget to thank Richard, Jasper's father, for continually encouraging Jasper to trust God totally in all of life. I admire that family time has always been so important to Richard as his three boys were growing up. To this day, I can see the relationship between Jasper and him is strong. I pray with great confidence JP will have the same strong relationship with Jasper.

Now, I also thank God for blessing my son with Jasper as his Father. He, too has been a great support for me during my pregnancy and now that JP is with us, I see him stepping up into his new role with joy and eagerness. Jasper has shown himself to be committed to his role as a spiritual leader for our family.

It amazes me how little recognition fathers typically receive on Father's day, but as I reflect on how important my father was in my growing up, I'd like to express my most sincere gratitude to each of the fathers in my life.
I love you, dad.


Extra : So... our family took a vote to name the #1 Dad, and with all the amazing fathers in our lives you can imagine the results were close...
The results are in and the 2009 winner is... Jasper Welsh!!!

Check out the video of the #1 DAD, below...

JP & I decided to write and put together a book for his daddy. Check out Jasper's Father's Day gift:

Happy Father's Day everyone!!