Just when we thought we got to see all we could of Baby JP, my OB told me at one of my visits to schedule for my "Growth Ultrasound." She said, "it would not be as in depth as our first ultrasound, but it would be enough to estimate the weight, length, and position of the baby." So, I set the appointment scheduled for my 34th week, February 27th, 2009.
Jasper and I went for the ultrasound directly after I got off work. We got to the office and watched Toy Story as we waited to be called. JP loves to entertain me when I'm sitting around and keeps me from being bored. As we sat waiting, he kept moving inside my belly and Jasper and I watched my belly move while we waited (be sure to check out the size of my belly).
Finally, we were called inside. The technician informed us this was actually going to take a little longer than most routine ultrasounds at this point because I haven't been to this particular location before and she had to gather extra data to properly examine the baby.
That was a surprise to us, but definitely OK with us. We love being able to see the baby. Jasper and I were surprised to discover she was going to be using 3D ultrasounds for some portions of the ultrasound. Sweet!
She confirmed the sex of our baby again (when you watch the video it won't be dificult to see. She used plenty of arrows showing us that it's still JP). Then we got to see some profile shots in 3D, and while she was moving the probe around to my side we caught JP smiling for us. It was sooooo cute! I was hoping that he was happy in there! It was kind of tickling me, It may have tickled him as well.
Here's a video of our ultrasound visit. Check out our baby's "Cheese" action!
Well, after the tech left, the doctor came in to tell us about the baby. According to the doctor, JP seems to be doing very well! He is just the right size and length for this stage of the pregnancy. They estimated his weight around 5lbs. My cervix is a little thin, but at this point she would expect that to happen. (I was hoping it means JP will come out earlier, but as I researched this I found that women still go all the way up to their due date, some past their due date, even with a thinning cervix.)
Before we left their office, we received a cd, dvd, and print outs of the of the baby during the ultrasound.
Jasper and I hope you enjoy the video and we look forward to hearing from you soon! The next time we will get to see little JP is when I give birth. I am still projected to "Pop" around April 8th... So, keep a look out for updates.
If you have any questions or would like to see something specific caught on video, feel free to make any suggestions here, or at our Youtube channel.