Naming a child is an important decision for any parent to make. You have to think about teasing potential, meaning, nick names, and making sure you're not stealing your best friend's dream name. As a teacher, I've heard my share of interesting names. Some that are perfect for the child, and some that make me giggle. There are even a few that I know I will never name my child because of spending a school year with a particular "special" friend.
Fortunately, Jasper and I didn't have to struggle over picking the perfect name. I had always loved the name Josie for a girl and Jasper knew and was happy with that. Of course we had the conversation about Jasmine. Jasper explained to me that he liked that name too and it wasn't just because it had "Jas" in the beginning of it. So it was set, Josie if a girl. There was never a boy's name that stuck with me, so when Jasper suggested naming a boy after him, I thought it was perfect.
Jasper had always liked the idea of honoring his grandfather by naming our son Jasper Prentiss Welsh III. I think it's a great name too and here's Jasper to explain further about that decision: