As you may already know, my first few months have been trying. But now that I'm approaching my 6th month, I can honestly say pregnancy is not half as bad as I had originally thought. I would even say that I'm enjoying it.
For the last month, I've been feeling an occasional "flutter" in my belly. I wasn't always sure if that was J.P. or if I just had gas. In the last week, I am certain that I am feeling J.P. and it is the neatest feeling to know that my little one is in there.
I have always felt these flutters from inside my belly, and not from the outside. This past Friday, while Jasper and I were watching t.v., I put my hand over my belly and actually felt J.P. kick. I told Jasper to put his hand over it, but I guess J.P. was shy because we couldn't feel him anymore.
Sunday morning, as Jasper rolled over to wish me and J.P. good morning, J.P. decided to respond and Jasper was finally able to feel him move inside of me. I thought it was a kick, and Jasper describes it more as if he was moving his hand or foot across. It was so exciting!
I think about J.P. a lot, and once I start to forget I am pregnant he gives me a little kick, dance, or punch to let me know he's still around. It always gives me a smile, and I know I'm not alone.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You Were Right if You Said It's a...
Jasper and I had our ultrasound appointment and saw the most beautiful baby hanging out in my belly! The ultrasound was displayed on a t.v. monitor on the wall so Jasper and I could comfortably see what the tech was looking for. Right away the tech asked us if we wanted to know the gender and he gave us a definite answer. He said to put money on it, his name on it, Nicolas, bet the house, double down because he was certain of what we are having! Then he showed us the evidence. He even warned me that my girlfriends will try to tell me not to be too certain and that I am not to listen to them.
Here's a video of our ultrasound visit:
Thanks for following our blog and come back for more as I plan to update regularly!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Old Wives Tales Tested.
"You're having a boy! I can just tell!" "I just know you're having a girl!" I have heard these comments during my pregnancy. And I love the different reasonings behind their prediction every time. Here are some Old Wives Tales that family and friends have used to support their theories:
-You're carrying low.
-Your baby moves a lot.
-Your husband is 1 of 3 brothers and you're one of 2 girls--boys win.
-Your husband is a manly man.
-You have bad morning sickness.
-You're ankles look swollen (ouch! they do?)
-I'm Grandma. I just know.
-You're carrying high
-You're baby moves a lot.
-You have really bad morning sickness.
-I see it in your face.
-Your breasts got huge fast.

I am very interested in finding out what you believe I will be having and why you believe you can say with some certainty. I hope you have fun and I will keep all of you posted as to the results of the polling and our visit with the doctor. Feel free to also share this post with your friends and family. Have fun.
-You're carrying low.
-Your baby moves a lot.
-Your husband is 1 of 3 brothers and you're one of 2 girls--boys win.
-Your husband is a manly man.
-You have bad morning sickness.
-You're ankles look swollen (ouch! they do?)
-I'm Grandma. I just know.
-You're carrying high
-You're baby moves a lot.
-You have really bad morning sickness.
-I see it in your face.
-Your breasts got huge fast.
Here are several recent pics of me. I would like to invite you to study them and tell me whether I will be having a baby girl or boy. Please feel free to add a comment to this post with your prediction and how exactly you arrived at that conclusion or guess. Also, participate in my poll on the left side of this blog, on what you believe my baby is.

Here is my close up.
This photo was take at approximately 13 weeks. Am I carrying high? low? wide?....
What can you tell from this photo?
Here I am at approximately 17 weeks. What do my ankles tell you? My belly? etc.I am very interested in finding out what you believe I will be having and why you believe you can say with some certainty. I hope you have fun and I will keep all of you posted as to the results of the polling and our visit with the doctor. Feel free to also share this post with your friends and family. Have fun.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Morning Sickness
On week 6, I stated earlier that the cramping stopped. In exchange for one terrible discomfort, I got another, morning (more like all day) sickness. Don't get me wrong though. I understand that my new ailment is actually a great sign for a healthy pregnancy, but for the sake of my memory and sanity, I'm going to go ahead and vent about how miserable it felt. It started August 9, a Saturday evening. Our friends, Anthony and Krystal invited me and Jasper to dinner and a movie. We went to Olive Garden, and usually I can go to town with italian food, but as soon as the lasagna hit my table I felt gross. I went to the bathroom, and luckily I didn't throw up, I thought I would but I didn't. I went back to the table feeling queasy. Later we went to watch Batman Dark Night, and I actually sat through that ok. The next morning I was throwing up all day. The day after that was my first day back to work. I teach 1st grade, and it was the first day of school. Yeah...
Anywho, here are some things from that are supposed to relieve morning sickness:
Eat small meals often
Drink fluids 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with meals
Drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration
Eat soda crackers 15 minutes before getting up in the morning
Avoid foods and smells that increase nausea
Ask someone else to cook for you and open the windows or turn on fans if the odor bothers you
Get plenty of rest and nap during the day
Avoid warm places (feeling hot adds to nausea)
Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade, or eat watermelon to relieve nausea
Eat salty potato chips (they have been found to settle stomachs enough to eat a meal)
Here are some that were suggested by veteran mother friends and family of mine:
Smell and/or suck on a lemon (preferebly before you get out of bed)
Eat a cracker an hour before you get out of bed (I could never get up this early)
Eat gingersnaps or drink real ginger ale
Let someone else cook for you
Anywho, here are some things from that are supposed to relieve morning sickness:
Eat small meals often
Drink fluids 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with meals
Drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration
Eat soda crackers 15 minutes before getting up in the morning
Avoid foods and smells that increase nausea
Ask someone else to cook for you and open the windows or turn on fans if the odor bothers you
Get plenty of rest and nap during the day
Avoid warm places (feeling hot adds to nausea)
Sniff lemons or ginger, drink lemonade, or eat watermelon to relieve nausea
Eat salty potato chips (they have been found to settle stomachs enough to eat a meal)
Here are some that were suggested by veteran mother friends and family of mine:
Smell and/or suck on a lemon (preferebly before you get out of bed)
Eat a cracker an hour before you get out of bed (I could never get up this early)
Eat gingersnaps or drink real ginger ale
Let someone else cook for you
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our answered prayer
On July 25, I started to cramp really bad. It started to keep me up all night. By Monday morning, 3am, I asked Jasper to take me to the ER. We were checked in by this corky Filipina nurse who was very hyper. She reminded Jasper and me of Ate Emma. The doctor asked if I could be pregnant, and I said, "Actually yes, I'm on Clomid." They took blood and did some ultrasounds on me. They also gave me some pain meds for the cramping. Jasper sat by my side and kept me lighthearted. I closed my eyes while he watched t.v.. He envied my score with the bed, and I told him he had to be in serious medical pain to get something like this, and gloated about how comfy I was. Typical loving married couple banter.
Finally, the doctor came back and told me that the concern was that I was having a ectopic pregnancy. The ultrasound showed a mass near my fallopian tube, and there was no sign of anything growing in my uterus. The cramping was also a common sign of ectopic pregnancy. But after speaking to my gyno, he realized that since my bloodwork shows very low quantities of my hcg hormones it could be too early to tell. Jasper and I were stunned. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with that info. I nodded my head like, ok...He said my gyno would be here shortly. He left and Jasper and I looked at each other like, what does all that mean? When he came back, I had to ask, " I pregnant or a little pregnant? too early to tell pregnant?" And he replied, "oh, your very pregnant, we just can't assume it's ectopic because your pregancy levels are still low which indicate that you are early in your pregnancy." Now we got it...
I didn't know what to think. I couldn't exactly be happy knowing that it probably wouldn't be a viable pregnancy anyway. I looked at Jasper and said" well we're pregnant" that's an interesting way to find out. Then the funny nurse came back and said, "well we are waiting for someone to take you into surgery." I didn't know about surgery. She said, "well you have an ectopic pregnancy so they have to remove it from your tube." I was very confused and explained to her what the doctor said. She went to verify and came back apologizing. I was scared that it was a sure deal, it being ectopic. But she just didn't get the latest news from my gyno. She said that I was going to get a laparoscopy so my gyno can get an actual look at what the mass was in my tube. The laparoscopy is when they make 2 incisions one in my belly button, and one above my pelvic area. There's a camera that goes in and takes pictures of what's inside. I got moved to the OR area, and there I met with my gyno and the anesthesioligist. My gyno informed me of what the risks were and what she may have to do. If it was ectopic, she would have to remove the egg, possibly one of the fallopian tubes. It definitely wouldn't be a viable pregnancy. I looked at Jasper and let him know that I was ok, and that we'd get through it. Then the anesthesiologist got me started as we were moving towards the OR, Jasper gave me a kiss and as my bed was rolling, I was out.
I woke up and I was in another room. I remember dreaming and confused about what was going on. A nurse came by and right away told me that I was still pregnant. It took a while for everything to click then I was surprised and relieved. Jasper came and we got discharged that day.
Ugh, the aftermath of the anesthisia was horrible. I threw up on the way home, threw up that afternoon. I was soooo nauseated for 2 days. My throat was sore from the tubes I didn't know were down my throat during surgery. It was miserable. Jasper's mom came by and helped nurse me when Jasper had work. Nancy took me to my doctor appointments.
The mass was actually a pregnancy supportive cyst which was good. And there was no sign of the egg being in my tubes so far. There was some fluid in my abdomen which may have been there due to the overactivity of my ovaries because of the Clomid. My gyno later told me that we would have to play the waiting game. Until she saw a sac or heard a heartbeat, I was high risk, and I was on pelvic rest. No work, no jumping, running, or bouncing. She said no motorcycles, and I laughed and told her that should be easy. Up until my 6th week, I was still having occasional cramping. I found that sleeping on my side helped out at night. Then the nausea hit, and the cramping stopped. But I began morning sickness which lasted all day/night. By week 10, I got an ultrasound and I saw the sac, and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was amazing. So loud and fast just as it should have been. God has definitely answered our prayer.
Finally, the doctor came back and told me that the concern was that I was having a ectopic pregnancy. The ultrasound showed a mass near my fallopian tube, and there was no sign of anything growing in my uterus. The cramping was also a common sign of ectopic pregnancy. But after speaking to my gyno, he realized that since my bloodwork shows very low quantities of my hcg hormones it could be too early to tell. Jasper and I were stunned. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with that info. I nodded my head like, ok...He said my gyno would be here shortly. He left and Jasper and I looked at each other like, what does all that mean? When he came back, I had to ask, " I pregnant or a little pregnant? too early to tell pregnant?" And he replied, "oh, your very pregnant, we just can't assume it's ectopic because your pregancy levels are still low which indicate that you are early in your pregnancy." Now we got it...
I didn't know what to think. I couldn't exactly be happy knowing that it probably wouldn't be a viable pregnancy anyway. I looked at Jasper and said" well we're pregnant" that's an interesting way to find out. Then the funny nurse came back and said, "well we are waiting for someone to take you into surgery." I didn't know about surgery. She said, "well you have an ectopic pregnancy so they have to remove it from your tube." I was very confused and explained to her what the doctor said. She went to verify and came back apologizing. I was scared that it was a sure deal, it being ectopic. But she just didn't get the latest news from my gyno. She said that I was going to get a laparoscopy so my gyno can get an actual look at what the mass was in my tube. The laparoscopy is when they make 2 incisions one in my belly button, and one above my pelvic area. There's a camera that goes in and takes pictures of what's inside. I got moved to the OR area, and there I met with my gyno and the anesthesioligist. My gyno informed me of what the risks were and what she may have to do. If it was ectopic, she would have to remove the egg, possibly one of the fallopian tubes. It definitely wouldn't be a viable pregnancy. I looked at Jasper and let him know that I was ok, and that we'd get through it. Then the anesthesiologist got me started as we were moving towards the OR, Jasper gave me a kiss and as my bed was rolling, I was out.
I woke up and I was in another room. I remember dreaming and confused about what was going on. A nurse came by and right away told me that I was still pregnant. It took a while for everything to click then I was surprised and relieved. Jasper came and we got discharged that day.
Ugh, the aftermath of the anesthisia was horrible. I threw up on the way home, threw up that afternoon. I was soooo nauseated for 2 days. My throat was sore from the tubes I didn't know were down my throat during surgery. It was miserable. Jasper's mom came by and helped nurse me when Jasper had work. Nancy took me to my doctor appointments.
The mass was actually a pregnancy supportive cyst which was good. And there was no sign of the egg being in my tubes so far. There was some fluid in my abdomen which may have been there due to the overactivity of my ovaries because of the Clomid. My gyno later told me that we would have to play the waiting game. Until she saw a sac or heard a heartbeat, I was high risk, and I was on pelvic rest. No work, no jumping, running, or bouncing. She said no motorcycles, and I laughed and told her that should be easy. Up until my 6th week, I was still having occasional cramping. I found that sleeping on my side helped out at night. Then the nausea hit, and the cramping stopped. But I began morning sickness which lasted all day/night. By week 10, I got an ultrasound and I saw the sac, and heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was amazing. So loud and fast just as it should have been. God has definitely answered our prayer.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Waiting for You
I went to see a gyno. She suggested I get started on Clomid 50 mg 1xday for 5 days. I also needed to start using an ovulation kit. The first month I tried Clomid, it didn't work...Then on June 29, 2008 I started menstruating. My Clomid dosage was upped to 50 mg 2x a day. Meanwhile, I was feeling frustrated because everytime I started testing for ovulation I kept getting a big fat NEGATIVE! I cried a lot, I threw fits a lot (not like me at all.) I got through the last day where ovulation was most likely to happen, and I got another negative. That night, Jasper went to sleep early, and I cried and decided to speak to Jesus. I started off by studying the book Psalm, starting with Psalm 86 and was reminded of the praise our God deserves through the good and bad. I realized that I was making all of this about me, and not about the One who had the power and insight to give me what I wanted when He knew it would be the right time. I asked him for patient heart. The very next morning, I got a positive for ovulation on cycle day 18.
When we knew we were ready
When my husband Jasper and I got married on December 16, we knew that we needed to be in prayer for God's direction in family making. See, I have PCOS. Or atleast symptoms that would suggest I have it. Very infrequent periods, and multiple cysts in my ovaries. After a year of being married, I got very concerned about the probability of getting pregnant, especially as I got older. I brought it up to Jasper and we agreed that since we knew we both wanted a family we wanted to get started. It was about April of 2008. I was relieved to hear that Jasper was ready. I figured, it would take a while to get pregnant right?
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